Demand for the Immediate Return of Republican Representatives to Principled Conservatism

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- United States of America
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Whereas, broadcasters and commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage are now seen as the de facto leaders of the Republican Party;
Whereas, this result is the natural and inevitable result of the fact that those who are supposed to provide leadership – Republican elected officials and party officers – are doing little to stand up to the socialist policies of the Obama administration;
Whereas, the GOP absolutely refuses to fire the Congressional leaders who helped get the party and the country into this mess;
Whereas, current Republican leadership cowers in fear of the President’s popularity;
Whereas, the anger of grassroots conservatives continues unabated towards weak-kneed, spineless, earmark-loving, Big Government, establishment Republicans;
Whereas, Americans are already beginning to realize that the new president is every bit as reckless and extreme as conservatives said he was;
Whereas, the Republican Party can’t get any traction, because the party leadership is as confused and clueless as the Obama administration;
Whereas, this problem will continue until all Big Government, anti-conservative Republican politicians are replaced with principled conservative leaders.
Resolved, the signers of this petition will withhold support and contributions from all Republican committees until Big Government Republican politicians are replaced with principled conservatives.
Conservatives will no longer tolerate incompetent, weak-kneed, spineless, earmark-loving, Big Government, establishment Republican leadership, and we demand an immediate return to principled conservatism and a leader that will stand up to President Obama and the Congressional Democrats in their efforts to make America a socialist country.
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The Demand for the Immediate Return of Republican Representatives to Principled Conservatism petition to REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MICHAEL STEELE was written by TEA Party of America and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.