Demand that the WHO create a manual in the case of bird flu, swine flu = pandemic disease

- Target:
- World Health Organization (WHO) Organizacion Mundial de la Salud
- Region:
- Website:
The WHO should create a manual in the case of diseases like the swine flu, bird flu, SARS, and those diseases capable to cause a pandemic as they can be contracted very easily like a normal cold.
An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the human population. In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics of influenza, these pandemics occur irregularly, with the 1918 Spanish flu the most serious pandemic in recent history. Pandemics can cause high levels of mortality, with the Spanish influenza estimated as being responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people. There have been about three influenza pandemics in each century for the last 300 years. The most recent ones were the Asian Flu in 1957, and the Hong Kong Flu in 1968.
Influenza pandemics occur when a new strain of the influenza virus is transmitted to humans from another animal species. Species that are thought to be important in the emergence of new human strains are pigs, chickens and ducks. These novel strains are unaffected by any immunity people may have to older strains of human influenza and can therefore spread extremely rapidly and infect very large numbers of people. Influenza A viruses can occasionally be transmitted from wild birds to other species causing outbreaks in domestic poultry and may give rise to human influenza pandemics.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that there is a substantial risk of an influenza pandemic within the next few years. One of the strongest candidates is a highly pathogenic variation of the H5N1 subtype of Influenza A virus. As of 2006, prepandemic influenza vaccines are being developed against the most likely suspects which include H5N1, H7N1, and H9N2.
Certain scholars and senior policy advisors argue that pandemic influenza represents a substantive threat to the international economy, to national security, and a challenge to international governance.
There is current concern that the spread of a new strain of H1N1 influenza, also known as "swine flu", might develop into an pandemic. This concern about the 2009 swine flu outbreak was first raised in April 2009 by the CDC and World Health Organization.
Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, killing millions of people in pandemic years and hundreds of thousands in non-pandemic years. Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century and killed tens of millions of people, with each of these pandemics being caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans. Often, these new strains result from the spread of an existing flu virus to humans from other animal species. Since it first killed humans in Asia in the 1990s, a deadly avian strain of H5N1 has posed the greatest risk for a new influenza pandemic; however, this virus has not mutated to spread easily between people.
1. This manual should demand the countries which first report at least 10 cases of it the closure of their international flights and other means of international travel for a week or till the threat is gone or the cases completely isolated and under control.
2. Countries not contaminated with the epidemic should immediately ban international flights and incoming travelers from the countries which present at least 10 cases.
3. The World Health Organization can't say in any time that is "useless" at any stage of the pandemic to make a geographical prevention of it.
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The Demand that the WHO create a manual in the case of bird flu, swine flu = pandemic disease petition to World Health Organization (WHO) Organizacion Mundial de la Salud was written by vania perez and is in the category Health at GoPetition.