Discontinue Random Drug Testing of Students Involved In Extracurricular Activities of Guthrie Public Schools

- Target:
- Mike Simpson and Guthrie Public Schools
- Region:
- United States of America
Guthrie Public Schools beginning in the Fall of 2015 will begin Drug Testing Student's that are involved in Extracurricular Activities. (Sports, Student Council, JROTC, and Etc.) Many believe this is a violation of our Student's rights.
Many believe that to start this testing is a Reactive, and not a Proactive approach to assisting our students cope with problems in a world that is constantly changing for better or worse.
Many Experts and Officials believe that Mandatory Drug Testing of Student's is not the correct way to solve youth drug use, as shown in these articles.
Time (A World Leader in news) - http://time.com/3761571/drug-testing-schools/
A direct quote from the article - "According to the AAP policy statement, there’s limited evidence to suggest that drug testing programs in schools prevent kids from trying drugs. “We reviewed the studies done to take a look at this question, and while there’s evidence, there are a lot of caveats around that,” says Levy, who adds that many studies rely on self-reports and show inconsistent data."
CBS News - http://www.cbsnews.com/news/doctors-random-drug-testing-in-schools/
A direct quote from the arcticle - "Random drug testing in schools may sound like a good way to keep kids off drugs, but there is little evidence it works, the American Academy of Pediatrics says."
The research does not lie, these test will just hurt the already fragile relationship student's may have with teachers and Guthrie Public Schools.
We ask that Guthrie Public Schools cancel the Drug Test and instead take a positive initiative to better the relationship towards it's students and better use this funding towards to D.A.R.E Program, which is shown to be successful in deterring youth drug use.
We, The Student's, Parent's, Family, and Community of Guthrie call on Guthrie Public Schools to discontinue the random drug testing of students.
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The Discontinue Random Drug Testing of Students Involved In Extracurricular Activities of Guthrie Public Schools petition to Mike Simpson and Guthrie Public Schools was written by Jenny Williams and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.