- Target:
- Macquarie University Department of Chiropractic
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- www.chiro.mq.edu.au
Macquarie University currently has one of the world's best chiropractic courses. Our graduates are renowned world wide for their skilled level of adjusting. This could all come to an end. The university is "attempting" to put a ban on thrusting in skills class as of 2001. This would mean that there is to be "NO THRUSTING BY STUDENTS ON ANY OTHER STUDENTS". This has come about because some students have been injured while practising their skills and are now suing the Department. If the "No Thrusting" rule is introduced it would be a disaster for the course and the reputation of chiropractic in Australia. It is imperative that students develop their psychomotor skills and experience what patients experience by actually performing the adjustments (out of lock-up) on their peer students. Not on the unrealistic mannequins the Uni is trying to replace students' bodies with. All this rule will do is promote unsupervised underground adjusting by students and cause more injuries. The potential risk to the public at the outpatient's clinics from the implementation of this rule is completely unacceptable. Students should be made fully aware of the risks, and made to sign a disclaimer from the first day they enter the course and again at the beginning of each year. Don't let the University take the easy way out. Explain the issue to your family and friends, get on the net and tell other chiropractors and student through out the world what is happening. We need lots people to sign this petition for the University to reverse its decision.
We the undersigned petition Macquarie University to reverse its decision to ban thrusting by students on students in supervised skills classes.
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The Don't ban student mock adjusting petition to Macquarie University Department of Chiropractic was written by Jeb McAviney and is in the category Education at GoPetition.