- Target:
- Century Fox (Cinema Production Studio)
- Region:
- Website:
- www.dailymotion.com
Dragon Ball le film ne correspond vraiment pas à vos attentes? La Century Fox a massacré une légende? Ce film a détruit votre jeunesse et vos ambitions de voir un superbe film qui garde et tient les promesses du manga original? Si vous pensez que tout cela soit vrai alors soutenez notre opération "Dragon Ball 2009 Massacré" et signez la pétition pour boycotter le film qui sortira au second trimestre 2009 dans le monde.
Un seul mot: Signez et n'allez pas voir ce film !!!
Dragon Ball movie corresponds not in your waits(expectations)? Century Fox massacred a legend? This film destroyed(annulled) your youth and your ambitions to see a magnificent film which keeps(guards) and holds the promises of the original manga? If you think that all this is true then support our operation " Dragon Ball Massacred in 2009 " and sign the petition to boycott the film which will go out to the second quarter 2009 in the world.
A single word: Sign and do not go to see this movie!!!
Par cette pétition, je boycotte le film Dragon BALL des studios Century Fox en confirmant que je n'irai pas voir ce film. De ce fait, je soutient l'opération "Dragon Ball 2009 Massacré".
By this petition, I boycott the Dragon Ball movie of studios Century Fox by confirming that I shall not go to see this film. Therefore, I supports the operation "Dragon Ball on Massacred 2009".
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Dragon Ball Movie 2009 petition to Century Fox (Cinema Production Studio) was written by Anonyme and is in the category Films & Movies at GoPetition.