- Target:
- Dr. John C. LaRosa, President of SUNY Health Science Center in Brooklyn
- Region:
- Website:
- www.urbanactionengine.org
This current campaign is seeking to end more than three decades of cruel and unnecessary primate research at the State University of New York (SUNY) Health Sciences Center in Brooklyn. Dr. Leonard Rosenblum, director of the Primate Behavior Laboratory at the SUNY Health Science Center in Brooklyn, has forced monkeys to undergo maternal separation or deprivation in order to "model" human ailments such as panic and anxiety disorders. Mr. Rosenblum has been performing his sadistic experiments at SUNY on mother monkeys and their infants for over 30 years.
Picture this: a young monkey sits terrified and immobile with its head below his knees. His arms are wrapped around himself and its toes are tightly curled. This is the essence of Rosenblum's experiments Deprived of their mothers, these normally playful infants become frightened and withdrawn. Since 1990 he has funded his brutal research with over 2.5 million dollars in taxpayer money. LET'S STOP HIM NOW.
We the undersigned call on Dr. John C. LaRosa, as President of the State University of New York (SUNY) Health Science Center in Brooklyn, NY, to end immediately Dr. Leonard Rosenblum's experiments that seek to induce panic, anxiety and fear in mother and infant macaque monkeys. These experiments, in various forms, have been going on for OVER 30 YEARS. But 50 YEARS of clinical and observational studies have already established that maternal deprivation IS damaging to infants and can lead to panic disorders later in life. Rosenblum's "research" is outdated, unnecessary and cruel - as well as a waste of taxpayer dollars. As the largest state-run university in the country, we call on SUNY to meet its obligation to use our money responsibly and to promote public health - not torture animals.
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The End maternal deprivation experiments on primates @ SUNY petition to Dr. John C. LaRosa, President of SUNY Health Science Center in Brooklyn was written by Laura Medley and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.