- Target:
- All US citizens
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.nyscop.org
Be it known that WE THE PEOPLE as Legal Voting Citizens of a Sovereign United States of America, fully oppose any statute, rule, law, judgment, and act that is inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States of America.
We, the undersigned, shall continue, today and for all time, to retain the rights intended by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Of said rights, including, not limited to, is the right to petition our government and to demand redress of our grievances from our government and its officials.
We, the undersigned, demand (and further reiterate) that any act, from this day forward, that is inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States of America, is deemed null and void, including, not limited to, any court order or judgment. Accordingly, any such act will have no legal consequence, except that any resulting damages shall be recovered (and therefore recoverable) from the individual person/s responsible for said damages.
Further, from this day forward, all laws, rules, statutes and regulations (and those case precedents that support them in further support of the Constitution of the United States of America) shall be interpreted by the masses of The People and applied as would be reasonably expected to be applied by them, and, such interpretation shall always take legal precedence over legal ease and or legal jargon.
If all men and women are created equal and have equal constitutional rights as assured by our founding fathers, we shall live and be governed by one set of laws, rules, and regulations, and one set of consequences thereof, instead of certain privileged individuals/persons, having influence over those laws, rules, statutes and regulations, to be constructed and/or applied differently for them or others seeking to have privileges that the Constitution does not afford them.
America shall once again become, and remain, the land of equal opportunity and equal rights regardless of one’s position and/or role in our society, and regardless of their: race, religion, age, sex, or financial standing.
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The Enforce the Constitution with us ~ sign now and pass this on! petition to All US citizens was written by Jeffrey Gaul and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.