- Target:
- Medical teachers of the world, WHO
- Region:
Medical Council of India (MCI) has recommended "large-scale" punishment of erring medical teachers across the country and asked for their names be removed from the Indian Medical Register maintained by it.
In a list submitted by the MCI 65-medical teachers were blacklisted for being found to be employed in more than one medical college at the same time. While a large number of medical teachers are from the Andhra Medical Council, the list has teachers from Tamil Nadu Medical Council, Hyderabad State Medical Council, Orissa Medical Council, Maharashtra Medical Council, Karnataka Medical Council and Tranvancore Medical Council.
And while this is the largest number of medical teachers to be ever `blacklisted'. Meanwhile, for the listed medical teachers, their names will be erased temporarily up to July 31, 2007, and they will not be eligible to be counted as a teacher at the inspections to be carried out by MCI, a large number of doctors and PhD nonmedical teachers employed abroad, claim employment as medical teachers in more than one medical college at the same time. Names of the doctors shown as medical teachers in a particular medical college are getting repeated in the inspection reports of new medical colleges. Ultimately it is the innocent students who get admissions into such medical colleges where the minimum required number of medical teachers are shown in such a dubious manner that they suffer.
Patients who may be treated by such half-baked students who would not get their exposure and training with the `small' number of medical teachers available to them.
To curb such unscrupulous tendencies, MCI claims to be taking stringent action including introduction of the `declaration forms' to be signed by doctors, claiming employment as medical teachers in any given medical colleges and that they also remain present with their declaration forms at the time of the conduct of the inspection of that college.
Also, provision for endorsement by the dean/principal of the medical college should be introduced in the declaration form .
Medical counciland dental council should ensure that real names are there in teaching faculty list and not dummy medical teachers are shown as is now. This will ensure better medical colleges and education system.Both the councils should involve the medical teachers and maintain a medical teacher register.
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The Erring medical college teachers in india should be taken to task by MCI petition to Medical teachers of the world, WHO was written by dr kalpana and is in the category Health at GoPetition.