United States Senate
United States of America

There is now ABSOLUTE PROOF that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to the American People, the United States Senate and President Donald J. Trump about the origins of the China Virus! Lying' Anthony Fauci's said in a recently released email that "store bought masks are not really effective at keeping out the virus." Despite knowing that masks are not effective, Fauci continued lying to the American people, forcing them to wear masks and abide by draconian lockdowns. Fauci's lies ruined millions of American lives and permanent shuttered hundreds of thousands of businesses. Even worse, the tyrannical lockdowns coordinated by Lying Doctor Fauci led to a skyrocketing suicide and depression rate in the United States, especially among American teens.

So, the evidence - both in testimony and in the court of public opinion - continues to mount.

Please consider SIGNING and SHARING this important petition, which calls for Dr. Fauci to be fired and investigated for his deliberate lies about the China Virus which may have cost the world dearly in lives and jobs lost.

We, the people, call on the United States Senate to open an investigation into Dr. Anthony Fauci and pass a bill requiring Sleepy Joe Biden to fire him. After the investigation is completed, we expect Anthony Fauci to face criminal punishment for his treasonous crimes against the United States of America.

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The Fire Fauci and Investigate Him Now! petition to United States Senate was written by Anonymous and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.

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