Governor of California
United States of America

I know I am not the only one who has been fired in CA and when filing for Unemployment benefits is met with an offense and what should be criminal game. This game includes instructions to call a number that is never answered. An email system that is never responded to, and repetitive requests to resend documents over and over. All of which seem systematically designed to allow the EDD to delay and push off claims, three eight months.

What is the EDD’s answer for this, ”sorry, we updated our system and it didn’t go well, and we are understaffed.” This answer is not good enough, they are charged with the duty of handling the unemployment benefits. There is a certain level of response they are required to provide and they have failed miserably. It is the job of the Sharon Hilliard to guide the EDD and ensure that the needs of Californians who are laid off are met.

They should have anticipate that they are going to have an increase in claims as they always do at the end of the year. When the new system failed to meet expectations then it was her duty to identify ways to ensure that people in need are addressed in a timely manner. If they don’t have the resources they need then it is the job of Sharon Hilliard to fight for those resources. It is the purpose of EDD to provide immediate support to ensure people don’t fall into debt and stay afloat in the reality of an uncertain world.

Meanwhile Californian individuals and families have to worry and sink into debt as they fight to keep a roof over their heads, clothes their children and food on the table. As well, it seems that the current system that is in place is to stall for as long as possible without any remorse. The current status of the EDD is unacceptable and a clear failure on the part of Sharon Hilliard. I feel it would be best if she were fired for her incompetence. Then when she is unemployed she can enjoy the offensive insanity of dealing with the EDD.

For the inability to manage and address the needs of the California Employment Development Department and neglecting to provide a bare minimum level of service or response to those in need of the EDD, we formally request that Sharon Hilliard be fired for her incompetence.

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The Fire the head of CA EDD, Sharon Hilliard petition to Governor of California was written by Benjamin Vallens and is in the category Government at GoPetition.