- Target:
- VWVortex Discussion Forums
- Region:
- Website:
- forums.vwvortex.com
We the People of VWVortex Discussion Forums, in Order to form a more perfect Forum, establish Food & Beverage, insure domestic recipes, provide for the common meal, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Grace to ourselves and our food, do ordain and establish this Petition for the Creation of a Food & Beverage Forum.
Section 1
All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Moderator or Moderators which shall consist of existing VWVortex Members.
Section 2
No person shall contribute to the Food & Beverage forum without first attaining membership in this Great VWVortex. Any citizen shall be allowed to read and review all postings therein without prejudice.
Section 3
No member shall be a Moderator who shall not have attained to the Age of ten Years, and been one month a member of VWVortex. Members may petition the Founding Fathers to have said Moderator or Moderators removed from power. No Moderator shall be removed from power without consent of the Founding Fathers.
Section 4
Members shall convene at least once a month to contribute and promote the general welfare of the Food & Beverage forum. Lack of contribution shall relegate known members to the status of Newbie and said member must re-establish his good name.
Section 5
Any Moderator may determine the Rules of Posting, punish members, and, with the Concurrence of the Founding Fathers, expel a member.
Section 6
The Moderators and/or Founding Fathers shall receive no compensation for their services. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of VWVortex Rules, be privileged from flames during their Attendance and Moderation of the Food & Beverage Forum.
Section 7
Every poll which shall have been created in the Food & Beverage forum, shall, before it become valid, will have added a Porcupine clause. No poll shall be locked or otherwise restricted until a Porcupine Amendment has been added.
Section 8
Members shall have these uniform powers in the Food & Beverage forum as indicated herein;
To ridicule or belittle a member in good standing as long as it shall be in good fun.
To declare a verbal or emotional war on other members as long as the flame fest does not breech the Rules of VWVortex.
To explain to new members and discourage the use of any variation of posting or entering before a lock.
To borrow recipes from fellow Members.
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Members in such Gatherings or GTG’s they deem fit to attend nationwide and local where they shall Enjoy their shared
To provide and maintain a Hollandaise Sauce
To determine the exact Use of the Spices so as not to overburden the
To be a merry bunch on those nights deemed worthy of a Drunktex.
A Member charged in this Forum for Treason, Felony, or posting some such
recipe found to be so foul as to be considered Butt, shall be delivered
up, to be removed to the Forum for having offended our very Souls.
The Ratification of the Conventions of the Founding Fathers shall be sufficient
for the Establishment of this Forum for the discussion of Foods and Beverages.
Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the members present the Twenty Third Day of October in the Year of our Lord two thousand and two and of the Independence of the WVWortex Discussion Forums, in witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names:
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The Food and Beverage For All! petition to VWVortex Discussion Forums was written by Peter Rudden and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.