#Animal Rights
Stop Animal Testing, and Stop Human intertainment by abusing animals... ( ciruses,zoos,rodeos,etc)
United States of America

www.GoPetition.com Has all the information about petitioning!!!, The Animals Of our Earth.

It depends on us to stop the abuse and cruelty of animals. Animals are like humans they hurt, they have feelings.

If we keep killing them, starving them, and locking them up they will get very mean and start biteing people and most animals will die or get to be indangered, we need animals for us to be able to live!! The saying "So what if my kids never see a Polar Bear, I never did" Shows that they are already being extinct, and that they are all being put in zoo's so what they can get scared and start attacking people and killing people?

We have to pay to go see animals get abused they are called rodeos they tie things around them so that they jump because they are uncomftorable we humans are capable of doing horrible things and look at our world more animals are dieing more animals are killing, they are getting more agressive, and they are killing because of the hate they have for people. We want our animals of the earth to trust us not too feel like they have to defend them selves around us. We can be true heros if we save the animals and not trash their homes to build houses for us they were here before us and they decided to share their land with us we should pay them back!!!

I hope you choose to help the animals in a posotive weay thank-you for your support

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The Free The Animals petition to Stop Animal Testing, and Stop Human intertainment by abusing animals... ( ciruses,zoos,rodeos,etc) was written by madalyn and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Free The Animals