- Target:
- President of Malaysian Association for Zoological Parks and Aquariums and the Malaysian government
- Region:
- Website:
- www.chimfunshi.org.za
At a zoo in Malaysia, Zoo Negeri Johore, twenty-five-year-old chimpanzee Toney has sat in a small, poor area since she was a baby. She is a gift to a South-East-Asian sultan from Africa, but has neither lived with him, nor with any other "family". Most of the time, she has been all alone on her cold, stony floor for all her life. Friends of animals (in and outside Malaysia) have tried to have Toney (and one lately arrived male companion) moved to Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage, where a place is ready for them. The zoo, for which the government is responsible, says they will only release them if they get other chimps in return. We think you don't act that way with animals - you should think of what's best for them!
To MAZPA and the Malaysian government:
We the undersigned demand that action is taken to have the poor and destructive life of Toney and her males come to an end. You have the power to let go of the chimps, so we can give them a worthy life at Chimfunshi in Zambia. We know Toney is owned by a private person, but nevertheless her owner has "burnt" his moral right to hold wild animals. Toney has severe symptoms of depression, and is going worse - please show the world that Malaysia neither tolerates, nor has any benefit from, zoos with mistreated animals!
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The Free zoo-prisoned chimp-girl Toney! petition to President of Malaysian Association for Zoological Parks and Aquariums and the Malaysian government was written by Liselotte Holmbom and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.