- Target:
- Paramount studios DVD
- Region:
- United States of America
How can I help get Part 7 uncut on DVD?
Now, you may be a little confused but don't. This is the plan: When Jason X
is released, Mr Buechler (director of Part 7) wants to make a noise. Well in
the mean time to Jason X being released, all the fans on the web need to come together and send letters and printed off E-mails to the following
12031 Vose Street
North Hollywood, CA 91605
We need to send lots of letters and printed off E-mails and this will all
build up into sacks and sacks full hopefully. Then when Jason X is released
and Mr Buechler has alot of letters, he is going to call Paramount and
arrange a meeting and take in all these letters in a big sack at once. They
won't be able to ignore that!
If you consider yourself a Friday the 13th fan please, write some letters
and print off E-mails and send them to
12031 Vose Street
North Hollywood, CA 91605
The letters on the inside have got to be Dear Paramount. But the address on
the outside has to be
12031 Vose Street
North Hollywood, CA 91605
That way Mr Buechler will recieve them and take them into Paramount and that
means Paramount can not lie and say they have not recieved any. We can't
wait to see there reply when Buechler brings in sacks and sacks full of
Also, say what you would like to see on the dvd, give features and pitch a
concept. But make sure you ask for Part 7 to be released uncut and be
Please send your letters and printed off E-mails and let's get Friday The
13th Part 7 and the rest of the series uncut on dvd.
We can do this and we will, remember every letter counts that inculdes yours
so take a few minutes and write that letter! It took over a 1000 letters to
get Star Trek back on the air so it will take about that to get Part 7 uncut
on dvd.
I have a (horror)website can I help?
Yes you can, please put this link on your page and link it to this site so
more people will find out about how to get Part 7 uncut on dvd. We will link
you back ofcourse, just let us know!
Link it to http://www.gutsandgore.com/part7uncut
Scenes that were cut.
- Michael's death by spike was more graphic.(Tina's flashback of him was
more graphic as well)
- Dan's death with Jason's hand busting through him was more graphic and
- When Russell got gacked w/ Jason's axe there was a BIG burst of blood like
a fountain!
- When Judy was slammed in the sleeping bag, there's more hits against that
tree, and each progressively bloodier than the last
- When Maddy was killed we got to see the syth bite into her neck.
- When Ben's head got crushed-- it got squeezed to the size of a bloody
- When Dr. Crews got gutted, we got to see his guts
- When Melissa was axed, we got to see the impact.
- And the final teaser ending of the film was removed, where Jason comes up
from the depths and kill an unsuspecting fisherman
- There were also several subtractions of blood and effects track elements
that are missing throughout the film. These scenes exist in one form or
Sign here if you consider yourself a Friday the 13th fan and please write some letters and print off E-mails and send them to MMI, 12031 Vose Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Friday The 13th Part 7 Re-mastered Uncut DVD petition to Paramount studios DVD was written by authorNYSE and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.