- Target:
- Phermoans
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- 40daysforpurity.com
As the success of this campaign grows, we were advised that we should set our sights bigger!
Go to www.40daysforpurity.com and sign the new petition.
We hope to use a petition to purify, not just Stafford, but all of Virginia.
Sorry for any inconvenience, but we pray it will be worth it.
Thank you for your support.
A hardcore pornography, sex toy, and blow-up-doll store has opened in Stafford, Virginia.
This store is called "Phermoans" and is located near Moncure Elementary School in the Doc Stone shopping complex.
Pornography misrepresents the human person.
Pornography views people as objects that can be used for personal gratification. It also degrades the beautiful sexual act.
This view has many serious consequences.
A group of concerned citizens are coming together to visibly protest, pray, and fast for purity for 40 days and nights.
The days for this Campaign for purity are May 22-June 30th.
We have comlete confidence in God that through prayer, fasting and our efforts He will destroy the harmful effects of pornography on our community.
We praise God becuase He is full of mercy and forgiveness and is waiting to heal all those who are addicted and harmed by this scourge.
If the cause of purity and Stafford continues to gain steam, your signature will be vital in our legal efforts.
We, the undersigned, want Phermoans out of Stafford.
Not only this, we want to prevent the future establishment of any store that so offensively and perversely sells pornographic material.
We affirm the intrinsic beauty of the human person and the marital act.
The Get Porn Out of Stafford! petition to Phermoans was written by 40 Days for Purity and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.