So, Stray kids released a MV for a new song called "Side Effects". Its an amazing song and video. They worked really hard. All fans were hopong to reach 10M views in 24 hours. But, YOUTUBE froze the views for 5 and a half hours!! We cant have that! People watched that MV and the views dont even get counted? Thats messed up. We really wanted to achive a new record for them. They workes really hard for this. Why would Youtube do this? Why would they freeze views for 5 HOURS AND 30 MINUTES? You know Stray Kids could get millions of views in that amount of time. How would you feel if you made a video you've worked really hard on, and the views froze? Thats so cruel. We need the views back. At least 2.5M or 3M even 1M we would be thankful.
We want Stray Kids to get at least 3M views. Cause in calculation thats the amount of views they get in 5 and a half hours. Please sign this so they get their views back from Youtube who froze the views.
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