- Target:
- United Nations
- Region:
- Iraq
Iraqi women's basic rights are being violated and current legislation, customs and rigid social attitudes are preventing women from achieving the equality they deserve.
In matters of custody, divorce and punishment, the Iraqi Penal Code and laws clearly discriminate. The gender inequality extends further than a loss of political rights however, the deeply ingrained social mindsets of those living in Iraq make gender equality a challenge to overcome. Iraq have signed the treaties stating that they will take immediate steps to ensure that women are treated justly.
The treaties state that they are obliged to actively prevent attempts or acts of violence against women. There has been no significant change in women's rights and Iraqi women continue to be mistreated despite these efforts for equality. Not enough has been done and Iraqi authorities are now breaching both the treaties and the basic, universal human rights.
By raising awareness of the issue, hopefully global recognition can be made regarding the true social justice issue at hand. Please sign if you support gender equality and would like more to be done to address the issue.
We who sign the following petition support gender equality for Iraqi women and demand that the Iraqi government comply with the obligations of the treaty regarding women's rights of which they are a signatory.
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The Give Iraqi Women Rights petition to United Nations was written by ellen and is in the category Gender Rights and Issues at GoPetition.