Disney XD Corporations
United States of America

I recently heard that Olivia Holt,who stars on Kickin It as Kim Crawford, will be getting a new show called ' [I] Didn't do it ' (which will premiere in 2014). Meaning, once Kickin It's 3rd season is over, that's it. Kickin it will stop at Season 3.

For all of us serious Kickin it Fans we need to tell Disney XD to give Kickin it another season! And have Olivia's new show to premiere in 2015 instead!

We, the Kickin It Fans, call on the Disney Xd Corp. to give Kickin It another season.

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The Give Kickin It another season! petition to Disney XD Corporations was written by Danyella Jones and is in the category Television at GoPetition.