Give Morton students a fair grading system

- Target:
- J Sterling Morton District 201 Board of Education
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
In the Fall of 2013, J Sterling Morton HS started using a new "equal interval" grading system. All assignments are now graded on a scale of 0-5 instead of the traditional points or percentages. Initially, this new “equal interval” grading scale was promoted by the administration as being a fair and accurate way to measure what a student has learned. Unfortunately, the result has been quite the opposite; under the new system, a 20% (1 out of 5) is now a passing grade. Students who completed only two assignments all semester could still pass easily. In other cases, students simply stopped coming to school and still managed to earn a passing grade.
This year, the administration introduced the concept of “incomplete” grades. Any student who does not meet the course requirements (e.g. earning a passing grade on every test, passing each unit of study, taking every test) will receive an “incomplete” at the end of the semester rather than an “F.” Students earning an “incomplete” will be allowed to make up missing work or re-do tests for up to six weeks AFTER the semester ends. The “incomplete” policy has made the grading practices even more confusing and inaccurate.
Potentially, a student can fail a test in January and still be eligible to re-take it in September of the following school year. In some cases, students who are showing an “A” in the online gradebook may still receive a failing grade. In other situations, a student who should be earning an “F” will get six additional weeks to complete the missing work.
Parents, teachers, and students have repeatedly brought these concerns to the attention of the administration and Board members. Despite the overwhelming problems, Board has refused to correct the flaws in the grading system.
We want the Board of Education to convene a committee of stakeholders (parents, students, teachers, community members, and administrators) to re-examine the grading practices. We believe that all Morton students deserve to be graded fairly and accurately, and this current system is neither fair nor accurate.
We, the undersigned, are asking the District 201 Board of Education to convene a committee to correct the flaws in the current grading system.
The committee should consist of all stake-holders, including parents, students, teachers, community members, and administrators.
We firmly believe that Morton students deserve to be graded fairly and accurately, and we are calling upon the Board of Education to take immediate action to correct the problems with the grading system.
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The Give Morton students a fair grading system petition to J Sterling Morton District 201 Board of Education was written by Morton Parents Against Sinking Standards (Morton PASS) and is in the category Education at GoPetition.