Grant Howald Park of Corona del Mar (Request: Memorial Marker, Refurbish and Clean up Playground)

- Target:
- Newport Beach City Council
- Region:
- United States of America
Hello Residents of Corona del Mar,
My name is Michelle LeBron, local resident of the Flower Streets, and mother of 3 children who attend Harbor View Elementary and our local Community Youth Center.
I’m hereby asking for your help to restore, beautify and to properly memorialize a man of historical significance to Corona del Mar: Mr. Grant Howald, Corona del Mar’s first Postmaster, after which Grant Howald park was named.
What we, residents, are petitioning for is to provide our children a clean, sanitary playground and park, with some refurbishing of playground equipment, and a park bench with embedded Marker in the name of our First Postmaster, Mr. Grant Howald.
I’ve often asked local residents at the Grant Howald Park. Do you know who Grant Howald is? The answer time, and time again is, "No." Grant Howald did so much for our community, and the creation of our local Community Youth Center. I would love to see our town pull together to request our City Council to approve park bench marker in honor of Grant Howald, and to beautify our children' s playground.
1) I've noted trash bins piled high, the bushes that sit between the toddler playground and ages 5-12 playground carries spiders and trash that our young children venture inside, and obstructs parents view: You can’t see your older kid if your younger one is on the other side of the hedge (and vice versa), playground equipment notes: chipped paint, filthy play structure, pavement surrounding playground is filthy near bench, vending machines and overall a rundown and unsanitary park that needs some upgrades.
Providing a newly refurbished playground will help our community in many ways:
-Community Youth Center after-school and Summer programs would benefit and young families
-A wonderful aesthetically pleasing playground that children stay interested in stimulating the athletic skills (current equipment is limited)
-Keeps children safe and off the busy streets, especially for those who reside on the local Flower Streets without backyards
Thank you for your assistance.
We, the undersigned, call on the Newport Beach City Council to approve honorary park bench Marker on behalf of Grant Howald first Postmaster of CdM, and refurbish Grant Howald Playground Equipment.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Grant Howald Park of Corona del Mar (Request: Memorial Marker, Refurbish and Clean up Playground) petition to Newport Beach City Council was written by Michelle LeBron and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.