Hi Everyone
The State Government of Western Australia are in talks with several English Premier League teams to come to Perth in 2019.
The Official Liverpool Football Club of Western Australia are keen to do everything we can to provide evidence to the State government that Liverpool FC should be one of those teams.
As you know Liverpool FC has a gigantic fan base world wide and the support from them in Australia, New Zealand and Asia is second to none - this has been evidenced by all the sell out games over the last few years when they have toured Australia or Asia.
One of the issues the State government face when making such decisions is - will people travel from interstate and overseas to see their beloved team play? We know the answer is YES but we need numbers to help support our case.
If you would be willing to sign our petition to say if Liverpool were to come to Perth in 2019 you would come and support them then PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION and also forward the link onto any other parties who may be able to help.
We can then forward the numbers to our State government and tourism and hopefully assist in bringing Liverpool to Perth in 2019.
Thanks in advance
The Committtee
Official Liverpool Supporters Club of Western Australia
If you would be willing to sign our petition to say if Liverpool were to come to Perth in 2019 you would come and support them then PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION and also forward the link onto any other parties who may be able to help.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it