- Target:
- Okinawa Kodomo no Kuni Zoo
- Region:
- Website:
- www.okinawazap.com
This is a petition to help save Kei, a sad and lonely wolf.
There is a North American Timber Wolf named Kei that languishes in a zoo on the far side of the Pacific. In Okinawa, Japan, at the Okinawa Kodomo no Kuni Zoo, you will find a wolf that has lingered on a concrete slab of 7 x 5 metres for the whole 16 years of her life. It is a disgrace that an animal which has symbolized a part of North America`s frontier heritage should be forced to live out her entire existence as such. It would also be a disgrace that once her plight has been made known; no one comes to her aid.
Mission Wolf, run by Kent Weber, has agreed to allow Kei, the North American timber wolf at Kodomo no Kuni, to stay in a spacious enclosure with natural settings. Nearby, Kei will be in the company of other wolves and will never face the isolation that she has had living for years at Okinawa's zoo. Greg Leisure, organizer of the "Campaign to Bring Kei Home", says, "Wolves are highly social animals, and when kept in isolation they are deprived of the mental stimulation that is a part of what makes them what they are. They therefore suffer. It would please all of us if Kei could once again experience the moonlight howling parties of her species." To learn more about Mission Wolf, copy and past this URL address into your browser: http://www.missionwolf.com/index.asp?sec=1
We ask you please to sign this petition and pass it along to all of your friends and neighbours.
Help Bring Kei back home.
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The Help Free Kei the Wolf petition to Okinawa Kodomo no Kuni Zoo was written by Anne Gadd and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.