- Target:
- Maine Department of Corrections
- Region:
- United States of America
On August 11,2007, Robert LaPointe from Medway, Massachusetts was involved in a boating accident on Long Lake in Harrison, Maine, resulting in 2 deaths. The circumstances of the accident were that the boat, black in color, containing the 2 people killed was moored at night and was proven during the trial that there were no working lights on the boat.
The jury did not convict Rob of the manslaughter or reckless conduct charges, but did believe that his blood alcohol content of .11 could have contributed to poor judgement. He was given the maximum sentence of 5 years, 3.5 to be served with 1.5 years of probation of which he has served 15 months. He has settled the civil suit with the families involved and delivered a sincere and heartfelt apology for this tragic accident.
We are petitioning the State of Maine to allow Rob LaPointe to serve his remaining sentence at his home in Maine, as required by the State.
Rob's wife and children have also suffered greatly by the accident both emotionally and financially as well as the families involved. His two daughters, Hannah age 7 and Jordyn age 11, are greatly affected by his absence which is evident in their behavior at home as well as school. The expense of the trial and civil suits has exhausted the family financially.
The signatures attached to this petition feel that the sentence Rob received was extremely harsh considering this was a first time offense. Rob has more than paid his debt for a tragic accident that was not only poor judgement on Rob's part but on all parties involved.We are requesting that he be released early and finally allow his family to start healing, which cannot begin until he is home.
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The Home Confinement for Rob LaPointe petition to Maine Department of Corrections was written by katherine and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.