- Target:
- House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor and Majority Whip McCarthy
- Region:
- United States of America
May 15, 2012
From – Robert Quinn
18 Lakeview Drive South
Haines City, Fla. 33844
To Speaker John Boehner
Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy
In all my 76 years I never imagined I would live to see such Treasonous Republican Cowards as you 3 leaders have turned out to be.
The Achilles Heal of the corrupt Obama/Holder team is, and always has been, that they both hold these critically important positions based upon Obama's forged birth certificate and selective service registration card, the evidence of which is now overwhelming and impossible to disprove.
Regardless, once this Afro/American team realized you are so deathly afraid of being called a racist that you will not even challenge them with the fact Sheriff Arpaio's law enforcement team has verified probable cause exists Obama’s birth certificate and selective service registration form are both forgeries, Obama, Holder and the entire Democrat Party know damn well you will never seriously challenge them on anything they choose to do. Therefore they appropriately view you 3, in which the constitutional investigative authority resides, as nothing but cowards and co-conspirators who surrendered your constitutional responsibility over to them simply because you are afraid you will be called a racist. Your continuing refusal to hold Holder in contempt for his refusal to provide the documents subpoenaed in the Fast and Furious Scandal is another perfect example of your cowardice.
Thus far I have had no response concerning my April 1st letter (attached) dealing with this, the most critical national security matter this country has ever faced in its entire history. I am fed up with being respectful and in turn being treated with total disrespect while I see my country and our Constitutional Republic being destroyed by this usurper, his corrupt Attorney General and their band of Marxist Czars who are rapidly transforming our Republic into a Marxist dictatorship while you Republican cowards in Congress cower in fear of being politically incorrect and called a racist if you were to actually perform your constitutional investigative oversight responsibility.
Man-up you cowards before it is to late and my country and my grandchildren’s future are totally destroyed. What in the hell do you plan to do if Obama is reelected?? Cower in fear for another 4 years?? Pelosi has more testicular fortitude than the whole damn bunch of you Republican Cowards.
Please Mr. Speaker, Leader Cantor and Whip McCarthy, explain to us why you 3 are not committing treason by providing protective cover for the treasonous criminals and co-conspirators that forged Obama's eligibility documents to be President and Commander in Chief of our Military Forces. http://www.scribd.com/doc/93794837/Speaker-John-Boehner-and-Treason
Robert Quinn
Please Mr. Speaker, Leader Cantor and Whip McCarthy, explain to us why you 3 are not committing treason by serving as co-conspirators with the treasonous criminals that forged Obama's eligibility documents to be President and Commander in Chief of our Military Forces.
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The House Speaker John Boehners Treason or Just Misprision of Treason?? petition to House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor and Majority Whip McCarthy was written by Robert Quinn and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.