- Target:
- The President of India
- Region:
- India
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
We are just submitting it to The President of India. But this petition is targeted to the Indian people.
It's by the people for the people to the people ...
1. I will not accept any dowry or extravagant wedding gifts or favors (in cash or kind), even if these are offered to me or my family.
2. I will not give any dowry or wedding gifts that are demanded of me and my family, and I will sever contact with any family that makes such a demand and report them to the police.
3. I will not marry/ marry my daughters into a family that gives or takes dowry in any form.
4. I will not attend or support weddings where I am aware that dowry and/or extravagant gifts have been demanded and given.
5. I will spread awareness among people and set examples by not taking/giving DOWRY.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The India Against Dowry Pledge petition to The President of India was written by India Against Dowry and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.