Parents special needs kids
United States of America

Does you child have special needs? Has your child received constant substandard services from the IU? Do you know there is no real representation for parents with the polices and procedures of the IU?

All authority is with school officials and government employees that don't have a clue about what you go through as a concerned parent. Even if you complain nothing seems to change. The system is set up for your kids to fail in life.

You're not bad parents but the system is substandard and sets you up to fail and worry yourself sick, all on wastes taxpayers' money!

The solution, SHUT IT DOWN completely. Pennsylvania is the only state with intermediate units why? Because 49 other states knows it doesn't work.

Sign the petition the join forces for a better future for your kids by taking out the entities that are causing the problems.

I am signing to have a voice that the intermediate unit system for special needs kids does not work and I want them shut down.

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The Intermediate Units in Pennsylvania, SHUT IT DOWN petition to Parents special needs kids was written by Cindy and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

IU intermediate unit