Paul Howard DA Fulton County Atlanta GA

On September 11th 2018 Antonio May was tortured, tased, pepper sprayed and killed by officers in the Fulton County Jail. He had closed fist contusions, he was tased by two people, a male and a female at the same time. One in his groin area and one by his heart. He was in a holding cell alone, no danger to himself or others. He asked for water. Antonio May has three sons. We have been put off by the DA Paul Howard and it has been to long. We need justice.

We the estate and family of Antonio May ask that people demand justice from Fulton County DA Paul Howard. He quickly pressed charges on officers that tased a college student, but no one has even been charged in Antonio May’s case. It is going on two years. We know it was strictly a political move for votes when he charged those officers. They won’t even release evidence to us!! Please demand Paul Howard to file criminal charges. We need to hold everyone accountable in Antonio May’s death. I ask that everyone sign the petition.

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The Justice for Antonio May petition to Paul Howard DA Fulton County Atlanta GA was written by Justice for Antonio May and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

justice for antonio May