- Target:
- Immigration Office in charge of Victor's Case
- Region:
- Canada
January 16, 2006
We often hear stories in the media, of horrific acts that others have committed once they have reached our land. We question why or how they were able to get through the stringent and strict procedures of our Country's Immigration Office.
We now have in our midst a decent and loving family of 4, who's desire is to stay in Canada and to join the group of our most productive citizens and friendliest of neighbors.
Victor Lopez Hernandez and his wife, Kaly Rosa Maria Lopez Lugo, along with their 2 very young sons, are doing whatever possible (within the boundaries of our laws) to stay in Canada.
Immigration has declined their application. Please help us to help them in their fight to stay here in this land of freedom.
Victor Lopez is from Mexico and his wife is from Venezula.
They entered this Canada on refugee status. Immigration may not even allow them to stay together as a family! They will be deported into their own countries/ place of birth. What kind of a Country do we live in where people (who sit on an immigration board), not only deports such a great family, but splits them apart?!
Victor has a very good and decent job and takes pride in providing for his family through hard work. He works in the construction industry as a skilled labourer. There is a shortage of skilled labourers in this Country. They are NOT asking for a free ride...just a beautiful country to live in, where they can exercise freedom and live in peace and harmony with all other citizens.
Please sign our petition to the Immigration board members looking at their case. We are asking them to reconsider their decision!
We, the undersigned, support having hard working and productive Citizens entering Canada! We support the Lopez Family. Please reconsider your decision in the case of Victor Lopez Hernandez and his wife, Kaly Rosa Maria Lopez Lugo. We need families such as the Lopez's here in Canada. Please allow them to stay!
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The Justice for Lopez Family! petition to Immigration Office in charge of Victor's Case was written by Lynn Crapo and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.