- Target:
- Harrow Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
My Mum Aileen O' Keeffe, was buried in Carpenders Park Cemetery.
We received a letter from Brent Council advising us that the some graves on the Harrow site, will be put to grass by the 6th May2014 and then to rotate all graves in that area to be put to lawn. Nothing happened on the 6th May, instead without any notice on Friday 6th June, workers were out putting the Crosses and flowers any Memorabilia into plastic bags. People were devastated on visiting their loved ones.
We are aware this is a lawn cemetery however it doesn’t seem to have been in practice for many years as most graves have been maintained by family or left unattended. Kevin Cooney and Brent & Harrow Council didn't stick by the contract then so why now?
If you visit Carpenders Park you will see that on any a chosen day it is a hive of activity. In fact firm friendships have been made over the years by grave owners tending the graves of their loved ones on a daily basis. Lunches and flasks of coffee shared on benches while reminiscing, in fact these friendships have got a lot of the bereaved through very difficult times.
I find it most distressing to find that here in Harrow we now have no burial place as Christians where we can marked our loved ones final resting place with a cross. A CROSS the earliest and most significant symbol of marking a grave. This is a Christian county, and a cross on a grave traditionally signifies the last resting place.
All denominations should be allowed to remember their loved ones with pride.
All religions in Carpenters Park, have come together to sign this petition we all need to stick together and fight for our loved ones memory.
We have started this petition so we can retain Crosses and add Headstones to our loved ones' graves.
Please help us to remember our loved ones with pride.
Update: today we met with The Harrow Observer and the Times to spread the news to others. at the moment we have over 1,600 signatures, please share our petition through "Facebook" to your friends and families.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Keep our Crosses and allow Headstones in Carpenders Park Cemetery petition to Harrow Council was written by Deborah Kelleher and is in the category Family & Friends at GoPetition.