- Target:
- Citizens of Caroline County, VA
- Region:
- United States of America
RZ-05-2008 - Conley and Maxie Booth, Owner/Applicant: Request a Rezoning from RP, Rural Preservation (with a density of one dwelling unit per ten acres of land) to M-1, Industrial (with no specified density), on tax map #94-A-6A, 94-13-1, 94-13-2, consisting of 23.534 acres, more or less. This property is located on the west side of Route 654 (Signboard Road), approximately ¼ mile north of Route 652 (Ruther Glen Road), Reedy Church Voting District.
Proposed Use: Offices/Warehouses. The 2006 – 2026 Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Agricultural Preservation with a density of one dwelling unit per twenty-five acres of land.
We the undersigned residents of Signboard Road, Ruther Glen Road, and Caroline County object to the request, by Maxine and Conley Booth, for the rezoning of: on tax map#94-A-6A, 94-13-1, 94-13-2, consisting of 23.534 acres, more or less, from RP, Rural Preservation (with a density of one dwelling unit per ten acres of land) to M-1, Industrial (with no specified density). This property is located on the west side of Route 654(Signboard Rd.), approximately 1/4 mile north of Route 652(Ruther Glen Road), Reedy Church Voting District. Proposed Use: Offices / Warehouses.
We the undersigned object to the proposed change from Rural to Industrial because:
1. These properties are zoned “Rural Preservation”. The proposed M-1, Industrial Development, is not consistent with the rural and residential character of the area. This proposal would open up all types of industrial development, seeking to change the character of the neighborhood. The Rural Preservation Status has been in effect for over twenty years and has had a positive effect on the Reedy Creek District residents.
2. There would be a negative impact on the community of homes around this site. The added truck traffic for warehousing impacts on these families, especially their children, who often play in close proximity to the road.
3. There would be a negative impact on the Rural Nature of this community. This proposal opens a potential for over development. It would make changes to a rural residential neighborhood which is inappropriate to existing values. This is exactly what we are trying to avoid. We value our rural way of life.
4. There would be a negative impact on the Quality of Life with the added traffic problems. We have to fight heavy truck traffic at 207 and Ruther Glen Road, (coming from the Truck Stops) and the heavy truck traffic at Route 30 and Signboard Road, (coming from the Fair Grounds, Kings Dominion, and Heavy truck Traffic in general). We will now be forced to deal with a new traffic problem right between them both.
5. We also think that there will be a negative impact on Reedy Creek. The land owners already use the banks of Reedy Creek as a Dump Site. How can we be assured that there wouldn't be Industrial abuse of Reedy Creek? What about our Drinking Water?
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The Keep Our Rural Preservation petition to Citizens of Caroline County, VA was written by Donald Davenport and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.