- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- hometown.aol.com
Drew needs to stay on the air 5-15 years more if possible just becuase of how bad the other shows today are.I may just be a teen but I grew up with drew as have other americans. We need drew and they need us. They arent big name actors and they love to work there from what it seems. They just need to feel wanted and that show gives them an outlet. Cathy Kinney almost quit showbizz before landing her starring role as mimi bobeck. Now belive it or not we still love the show after nine seasons.
To keep the drew carey show is to keep hope alive. We have suffred through bad angles and marriages but drew still pulls through to make us laugh. Get rid of the internet company bring back winfred lowder or some other company like it and stick drew in an office or another cubicle something to make him seem like himself. Ratings would go up if you brought back steve carey kate larry mr wick or mrs lowder or even any old characters to suffice for lack of sensibilty in the courrent show.
We, the undersigned, say Keep The Drew Carey Show on the air!!
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The Keep The Drew Carey Show petition to ABC was written by robert and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.