- Target:
- Ontario Canada
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- savekiwanispark.ca
The City of Kitchener targets Kiwanis Park to be declared "surplus land" and sold for development. Jeff Willmer, Interim Director of Planning was quoted in The Record, March 14, 2009 "The development of the sites would create jobs and generate tax revenue." Willmer goes on to say "These pieces of land really are not needed to meet a need, there is no gap in the supply of park land." Pieces of land?
This 'piece of land' is not for sale! This park, this natural haven is for treasuring, for walking, for swimming, for picknicking, for canoeing, for reading, for skiing, for kite flying, for skating, for jogging, for cycling, for birdwatching, for meditating, for playing. for fishing, for me, for you, for everyone but never, ever for sale.
Kiwanis Park is in desperate need of protection now.
Fortunately, Kiwanis Park has a friend in Councillor John Gazzola. Quoted in the same article he states "I am opposed to selling any park land. It makes no sense. You've got to look down the road 100 years from now. Once that park land is gone you are never going to get it back."
Fortunately, Kiwanis Park has a lot of friends, but the Park can't speak for itself. It needs your voice. We have created this petition as a tool to help us raise a clear and strong voice that tells the City of Kitchener that Kiwanis Park is "NOT FOR SALE!"
Please add strength to our petition and assist us to strategize by adding a comment with your signature. Thank you Friend of Kiwanis Park.
We, the undersigned, call on the Council of the City of Kitchener, Kitchener, Ontario Canada to vote "NO" to declaring Kiwanis Park surplus land and to vote "NO" to selling any part of Kiwanis Park for development.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Kiwanis Park NOT FOR SALE! petition to Ontario Canada was written by Catherine Drown and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.