- Target:
- Department Of Transportation- District 2
- Region:
- United States of America
This intersection of Brentwood Road and SR47 has become increasingly busy over the years because of the addition of two schools, as well as many new residents that all use the main road.
There are many new homes that sit behind Southwood Estates, and Brentford Road is used to access areas behind Southwood including Little and Finley Little Roads. Since 47 is very busy, cars are constantly having to stop to wait for northbound vehicles. This has caused countless accidents, some with major injuries. The right of way is worn from drivers going around these vehicles, which is also a very dangerous situation.
The final straw was that my 16-year-old son was in this situation October 28th, 2013. He was doing everything legally, waiting to turn, and was rear ended by an elderly couple who never even saw him and are now critically injured.
A turning lane would eliminate this problem and would save lives and a lot of time and money.
We, the undersigned, are requesting a left turning lane be added on SR47 at the intersection of Brentwood Road in front of Southwood Estates.
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The Left Turning Lane for SR47 - Southwood Estates petition to Department Of Transportation- District 2 was written by Jessica Myers and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.