enitre population
United States of America

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in plants in the Apocynaceae family such as Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga africana and Tabernaemontana undulata.[2] It is a psychedelic with dissociative properties.Ibogaine is not currently approved for any medical uses in the United States. Ibogaine is a psychedelic.[12] The experience of Ibogaine is broken down in two phases, the visionary phase and the introspection phase. The visionary phase has been described as oneirogenic, referring to the dreamlike nature of its psychedelic effects, and lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The second phase, the introspection phase, is responsible for the psychotherapeutic effects. It can allow people to conquer their fears and negative emotions.

Ibogaine catalyzes an altered state of consciousness reminiscent of dreaming while fully conscious and aware so that memories, life experiences, and issues of trauma can be processedOne of the first noticeable effects of large-dose ibogaine ingestion is ataxia, a difficulty in coordinating muscle motion which makes standing and walking difficult without assistance. Xerostomia (dry mouth), nausea, and vomiting may follow. These symptoms may be long in duration, ranging from 4 to 24 hours in some cases. Ibogaine is sometimes administered per rectum to avoid nausea and vomiting.Ibogaine occurs naturally in iboga root bark. Ibogaine is also available in a total alkaloid extract of the Tabernanthe iboga plant, which also contains all the other iboga alkaloids and thus has only about half the potency by weight as standardized ibogaine hydrochloride. As of 2009, ibogaine is unregulated in Canada[58][59] and Mexico.[5]

As of 2015 in the United Kingdom, ibogaine is not listed under the Misuse of Drugs Act and so is legal to possess, however distribution is illegal.[60][61]

Ibogaine is schedule I in Sweden.[62]

Ibogaine is classified as a Schedule I-controlled substance in the United States,[63] and is not approved there for addiction treatment (or any other therapeutic use) because of its hallucinogenic, neurotoxic, and cardiovascular side effects, as well as the scarcity of safety and efficacy data in human subjects.[64]

Ibogaine is illegal in Norway (as are all tryptamine derivatives).[65]

Ibogaine is unregulated in Germany, but for medical use it can be regulated by the pharmacy rules (AMG).

Ibogaine was gazetted in New Zealand in 2009 as a non-approved prescription medicine.[66]

On January 14, 2016, Ibogaine was legalized for prescription use in São Paulo, Brazil, with this legalization to extend to the rest of the country in a few months.[14]

In most other countries it remains unregulated and unlicensed.
Ibogaine treatment clinics have emerged in Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands, South Africa, and New Zealand, all operating in what has been described as a "legal gray area".[67][69] Costa Rica also has treatment centers, most notably one run by Lex Kogan, a leading proponent of ibogaine.[70] Covert, illegal neighborhood clinics are known to exist in the United States, despite active DEA surveillance.[71] While clinical guidelines for ibogaine-assisted detoxification were released by the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance in 2015,[72][73] addiction specialists warn that the treatment of drug dependence with ibogaine in non-medical settings, without expert supervision and unaccompanied by appropriate psychosocial care, can be dangerous — and, in approximately one case in 300, potentially fatal.

Source: Wiki

As many of us Kentuckians know, Heroin has become a terrible shadow hanging over our commonwealth. I have been studying medicine and have come across a Hallucinogenic drug to fight heroin and cocaine addiction. The drug Ibogaine is a one time drug to take and defeats any signs of addiction for heroin users and cocaine users. This is not a maintenance drug like Methadone.

Currently Ibogaine is illegal in the United States. Other countries such as Canada and other sovereign nations are practicing it lately. They realize that maintenance drugs are not beating the heroin overload. Most users will go right back after a few months. There have been many studies on Ibogaine and its effects are amazing. I want to make sure that Kentucky has that hope. Marijuana is illegal in the United States but many states have approved its use. This is just another stepping stone to drugs that could potentially defeat addiction.

If you know someone who is currently going through addiction battles and rehab is not working. Realize that Ibogaine could be their savior. People unfortunately have to leave the country and spend thousands of dollars on travel just to receive this life changing drug. I am making this petition to bring to our lawmakers for the next session to draw a bill to make the change and fight heroin addiction. Most of the people that can receive the drug are on a higher socioeconomic status.

Unfortunately most poor stricken people do not have that luxury and can finally beat the addiction with a one time medication instead of having to try and pay off their month to month prescriptions to maintenance drugs. Help do your part and sign my petition to stop the thousands of people dying from overdoses in our state. We can shed light to our neighboring states to help end the war on heroin.

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The Legalize Ibogaine in KY and kick Heroin petition to enitre population was written by Christopher Whitler and is in the category Health at GoPetition.