#Students' Rights
Miami High School
United States of America

For over 70+ years now, students all over this country have been the right of passage, know to many as "The Junior/Senior Prom." This is the one time of the year that students can finally exhale and relax from the stresses of high school life. Finally, a time where they can say, "This is who I am."

This is not a time for the school to throw more rules and regulations at us. We spend 10 months out of the year following school policies. This is the one night that we should be allowed to have a little fun and not be overrun by rules. We are not talking about wanting a night of immoral illegal chaos. Just a night where we don't have the school breathing down the back of our necks.

We, the undersigned, call on Miami High School to allow us as students to decide how we want our Jr./Sr. Prom to be.

We call on Miami High School to not force us to be someone that we are not. Allow us to choose what we decide to wear and how we decide to dance. We just might surprise you. Prom is a decade old tradition, that should not be censored by anyone.

Miami High School is preparing us to become adults, expecting us at 17 and 18 years old to make adult decisions and choices. Allow us to do that now, by leaving the choices of prom attire/dance code up to us.

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The Let Us Be Who We Are petition to Miami High School was written by Michelle Somers and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.

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