Let Us Change the City Colleges of Chicago Academic Policy for the Nursing Program

- Target:
- City Colleges of Chicago, City of Chicago, State of Illinois, United States
- Region:
- United States of America
We are the Nursing Students of the City Colleges of Chicago, united we will stand and fight for our Rights as students and for our Dreams.
We the Nursing Students are not against the City Colleges of Chicago. No, we are not against the HESI Exit Examination. We are against the Unjust Academic Policy of the City Colleges of Chicago for the Nursing Program.
We the Nursing Students are against how the City Colleges of Chicago are using the HESI (Health Education System, Inc.) Exit Examination to hold our Nursing Degree. HESI is not part of the nursing curriculum and therefore should not be a requirement for Pinning and Graduation Ceremony.
We the Nursing Students are against how the City Colleges of Chicago is using the HESI Exit Exam to exploit government grants from nursing students.
We the Nursing Students are against how the City Colleges of Chicago is using HESI Exit Examination for Discrimination. HESI should not be determined by the socioeconomic standard or population of the nursing school.
We the Nursing Students believes that the HESI Exit Examination should only be used as an assessment tool to evaluate the competency of nursing students, to help them strengthen their area of weaknesses, and to prepare them for the NCLEX-RN.
This petition has been drafted in order to help prevent further injustice of the Nursing Programs by the City Colleges of Chicago. The City Colleges of Chicago has implemented an exit exam called HESI (Health Education System Inc.) only as an obstacle to prevent social economic challenge students that are qualified students from taking the NCLEX RN Exam. This strategy shows only one design and that is only to give an artificially inflated pass rate for the school, which indicates that the City Colleges of Chicago lacks concern of the success of their students, but is only concern in protecting their own pass rates. We are not arguing the importance of appropriate and relevant testing’s. However, the City Colleges of Chicago is using this exam to deny students who have SUCCESSFULLY completed the academic program the opportunity to graduate and sit for state boards. The HESI exam is NOT a competency exam. Only the NCLEX RN is the nationally recognized competency exam.
We the Nursing Students of the City Colleges of Chicago, are calling the City Colleges of Chicago, City of Chicago, State of Illinois, United States of America, and other organization for support to change the Academic Policy of the City Colleges of Chicago for the Nursing Program.
We are calling the attention and support of:
United States of America:
President -Pres. Barack Obama
Vice President – Vice Pres. Joseph Biden
Secretary Department of Education - Sec. Arne Duncan
State of Illinois:
US Senators(2)
Sen. Richard Durbin
Sen. Roland Burris
US House Representatives(19):
Congressman Bobby Rush
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.
Congressman Dan Lipinski
Congressman Luis Gutierrez
Congressman Michael Quigley
Congressman Peter Roskam
Congressman Danny Davis
Congresswoman Melissa Bean
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congressman Mark Kirk
Congresswoman Debbie Halvoron
Congressman Jerry Costello
Congresswoman Judy Biggert
Congressman Bill Foster
Congressman Tim Johnson
Congressman Donald Manzullo
Congressman Phil Hare
Congressman Aaron Schock
Congressman John Shimkus
Governor-Pat Quinn
Illinois State Senators(59)
Senate President -John Cullerton
Majority Leader- James Clayborne, Jr.
Minority Leader-Christine Radogno
Illinois House Representatives(118)
Department of Education
Speaker of the House-Michael Madigan
Majority Leader-Barbara Flynn
Minority Leader-Tom Cross
Chief Judge- Timothy Evans
City of Chicago:
Mayor -Richard Daley
Aldermen City of Chicago(50)
Robert Fioretti (2nd Ward)
Helen Schiller (46th Ward)
Thomas Allen (38th Ward)
Joann Thompson (16th Ward)
Frank Olivo (13th Ward)
Board of Trustees-City Colleges of Chicago(8)
Chairman-Jerry Chico
Vice-Chair- James A. Dyson
Secretary- Terry E. Newman
Member-Ralph G. Moore
Member-Rev. Albert D. Tyson, III
Member-Gloria Castillo
Member-Nancy J.Clawson
Student Member-Gwendolyn Fulgern
District Office
Chancellor- Cheryl Hyman
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs- Angela Henderson
Associate Vice Chancellor - Jasmika R.Cook
Presidents City Colleges of Chicago(7)
Kennedy King College-John Dozier
Daley College-Jose Aybar
Olive-Harvey College-Clyde El-Amin
Truman College-Lynn M.Walker
Wright College-Charles P. Guengerich
Malcolm X College-Ghingo W. Brooks
Harold Washington College-John R. Wozniak
Director Of Nursing- City Colleges of Chicago(6)
Kennedy King College-Tyra Ousley
Daley College-Rhonda Phillips
Olive-Harvey College-Sheila Bouie
Truman College- Elizabeth Roeger
Wright College-Faye Keller
Malcolm X College- Nelly Calub
Channel 2(CBS), Channel 5(NBC), Channel 7(ABC), Channel 9(WGN), Channel 10(CLTV), Channel 11(WTTW), Channel 12(Fox Chicago), Channel 19(CAN TV), Channel 23,(Windy City TV), CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Polish Network, Telemundo,
Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Tribune, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News , AM and FM radio stations.
American Nurses Association
National Black Nurses Association
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Polish Nurses Association
Philippine Nurses Associations
National Alaska Native American Indian Nurse Association
National Coalition of Ethnic Minority
National Student Nurses Association, Inc
Black Star Project
Rainbow Push Coalition
United Way
National Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (NALNC)
Your signature represents your agreement to change this policy to reflect the original plan of the HESI (Health Education System Inc.) exam as an Assessment not a Determination.
On behalf of all the Nursing Students of the City Colleges of Chicago we like to thank you for your support.
Nursing Students of City Colleges of Chicago
Contact for Additional information:
Website: http://www.gopetition.com/online/36362.html (electronic signatures)
Phone#: 312-473-4374
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Let Us Change the City Colleges of Chicago Academic Policy for the Nursing Program petition to City Colleges of Chicago, City of Chicago, State of Illinois, United States was written by RICO VELACRUZ and is in the category Education at GoPetition.