
Just read this POST from facebook by Richard Stanley:

Empire down - I regret to communicate I was given verbal notice this afternoon that I have to vacate the premises currently occupied by Shadow Theatre HQ by the end of April 2018. The landlord announced this afternoon that the building is to be gutted and refurbished as modern tourist accommodation. It would seem I have stuck my neck out one too many times and now the wheels are seriously in motion to dislodge me from the mountain. I have six months to find alternative accommodation or risk being exiled from the Zone, prematurely ending my nine year mission here. As the 'nothing', the environmental despoliation threatened by the Imerys group, bears down on the valley of Montségur, the future of this place and the kingdom it commands has never looked less certain. I pray to the Good Lady and all the gods there be that a solution presents itself. In the meantime I have my work cut out for me...

I want to ask people to sign this petition as a "cry for help" in the name of Richard Stanley who is a great and honorable person who is not a great Director who made an adaptation of Island of Dr.Moreau and unashamedly banned from the project by Marlon Brando's and Val Kilmer's fault and made many documentaries which you can find anywhere but also being fighting to preserve History itself during nine years of his life protecting the Castle of Montségur being a good man as he always was. PLEASE FIND TIME IN YOUR HEART TO HELP THIS MAN and SINGN THIS PETITION!

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The Let's Help the Good Lady of The Castle to keep Richard Stanley in Montségur petition to Everyone was written by XGeddes and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.