- Target:
- Women all over The World! Media & Advertising Companies
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.lexingtonlingerie.co.uk
Lexington Lingerie have started a movement to try to change the way people feel about themselves and what the media and advertising campaigns portray to be normal.
Lexington Lingerie are trying to promote health and confidence in all men & women and help empower people to make a difference.
Lexington Lingerie aim to highlight just how many people feel the same way and have a social effect on both the 'Sexy Sells' attitude of major corporations and what is perceived to be 'Sexy' and 'Sold' to the public via mainstream media.
Using real women of all sizes, shapes and looks to model lingerie not just the typical Victorias Secret Models you see on most sites.
Lexington Lingerie are going to use a number of methods including Real Women modelling Lingerie, Social Networking, Local Media and charity work for a number of mental health and eating disorder charities to raise awareness of their campaign and spread the word.
However, the most important link in our campaign is YOU! If you agree with what we are trying to do sign below to show your support and more importantly.........
Tell your friends. You can also see the work we are doing at www.lexingtonlingerie.co.uk and join our Facebook groups to show support.
Thanks xx
We, the undersigned, support Lexington Lingerie's Real Women Campaign and share the same views that health & confidence not size is Sexy!
It's not about being fat or thin it's about being healthy, happy and true to yourself not influenced by advertising companies and celebrity.
Let's Make REAL Mainstream!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Lexington Lingerie's Real Women petition to Women all over The World! Media & Advertising Companies was written by Lexington Lingerie and is in the category Health at GoPetition.