#Neighborhood Living
Animal Lovers

Taken from http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10326p.nsf/w/PetTypesOfPetsAllowed?OpenDocument

Flat owners in Singapore are not allowed to keep cats in HDB flats, as it is generally difficult to confine cats within the flat premises. Nuisance caused by cats such as shedding of their fur, defecating/urinating in public areas or even the caterwauling sounds that they make can cause a lot of disturbance, which affects the environment and disrupts neighbourliness in our housing estates.


It is unfair that dogs are allowed in HDB flats but not cats. It states that keeping a cat in a household would be a disturbance to the neighbours. I don't find that true. Once they are bred in a household, their behaviours would change. They would not be that wild crazy cat you see outside. They would become a sweet litte furry lazy cat/kitten. And who says cats can't be trained?

In fact, dogs are a disturbance too. Morning, day or night i will sometimes hear them bark. And they are really loud compared to cats meowing.

It is not fair as you know that the muslims are not allowed to keep dogs as pets. Most muslim people or anyone that prefer cats over dogs would love to keep a cat as a household pet. But they can't because of the ban/law.

I am not against the people who owns dogs as their pets. But cats should be treated the same way a dog is treated. They need homes too.

Please help to lift the ban of having a cat as a household pet. Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you for helping.

I, the undersigned, hereby petition to Lift the ban of having pet cats in a HDB flat.

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The Lift the ban of having pet cats in a HDB flat petition to Animal Lovers was written by Mirshawati and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.