- Target:
- NSW Liquor Administration Board and NSW Police
- Region:
- Australia
This petition asks the current practice by the Licensing Police of imposing blanket liquor restrictions including midnite lockouts, barring drink & entertainment styles on all late night trading entertainment within designated areas be ceased.
It asks for the numbers of police on active duty at night to be increased to address the wealth of late night violence on the streets which is not related to patrons of late night entertainment venues trading. Many times they the victims of this unrelated violence.
This petition seeks to support all Entertainment Venue Licensees who display good RSA practices to maintain the right to continue trading normal, approved business hours, regardless of location.
We, the undersigned, request that the Liquor Adminstration Board of NSW, The Hon. David Campbell, MP - Minister for Police and NSW Police Commissioner Ken E Moroney work in agreement to achieve an immediate increase in the amount of active police officers required to address the problem of violence on the streets at night and cease the current unacceptable practice of blanket lockout restrictions being imposed on liquor licensed entertainment venues in selected areas.
We the undersigned request that each entertainment venue be individually be assessed and that any imposed license restrictions are based on and supported by evidence of specific, individual poor liquor practices by each venue licensee and not based on unrelated crimes commited by the community in the area surrounding each venue.
We the undersigned request that the youth & young adults of our local, regional, rural and state communities continue to be supported by the provision of an adequate number of appropriate, supervised, safe and culturally diverse venues for entertainment.
We the undersigned request our right be maintained to gain access at any time, to the public entertainment provided at licensed entertainment venues during the course of normal, approved legal trading hours, unless we have been individually assessed as legally unsuitable patrons by acting venue mangement.
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The Liquor Restrictions in Entertainment Venues in NSW petition to NSW Liquor Administration Board and NSW Police was written by dance strategy and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.