#Neighborhood Living
Idaho Falls City Council, District 91 School Committee, and other local leaders
United States of America

In recent years, southern Idaho Falls has grown rapidly. As a result, traffic in the neighborhood surrounding Sunnyside Elementary has reached hazardous levels during the morning commute to school and at dismissal. In the past five years, motorists have struck children walking to school. Furthermore, each year several near misses have been reported. In order to ensure the safety of their own children, more parents are opting to drive their kids to school - even those who reside in the walking zone - which only exacerbates the traffic problem and increases the risk to students walking or biking to school. In response to these ongoing traffic issues, the Stonebrook Area Safety Committee (SASC) is requesting the actions outlined below.

Please add your voice to ours! Protect our students and help prevent the next accident by signing our petition. Share this link, please.

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In order to provide safe travel for all Sunnyside Elementary students, we, the undersigned citizens request the Idaho Falls City Council, District 91 School Representatives, and other local leaders to take the following actions:

1) Provide crossing guards for the four main crosswalks surrounding Sunnyside Elementary School.
2) Install additional warning devices to alert drivers of the school zone and upcoming crosswalks, such as the following: flashing school zone signs, stop signs, additional painted crosswalks, and/or push-button, flashing-light crosswalks.
3) Conduct a survey of the traffic patterns at the start and end of school, particularly the four intersections surrounding Sunnyside and implement changes to reduce the number of motorists.

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The Make Our Streets Safer for Sunnyside Elementary School's Students! petition to Idaho Falls City Council, District 91 School Committee, and other local leaders was written by Idaho ACT Committee and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.