- Target:
- Fingal County Council
- Region:
- Ireland
- Website:
- www.irishsealsanctuary.ie
The Irish Seal Sanctuary has been working to build a Marine Conservation and Education Centre for Ireland. This Centre will continue the rescue and rehab. work of the ISS.
It will provide opportunities for further education, research, conservation projects, community outreach. It will provide training for dealing with oiled wildlife and provide a location to spearhead a response to a spill.
The funding has been identified, the site and planning permission passed, the plans drawn up, Fingal County Council now need to allow the building to commence.
The ISS have freely assisted Fingal with their expertise, when called upon by Fingal.
The Irish Seal Sanctuary is Ireland's only marine wildlife rescue organisation run entirely by volunteers, from a private back garden. It needs to move to a purpose built facility to continue to work and grow.
You can learn more about our work on www.irishsealsanctuary.ie
We, the undersigned, call on Fingal County Council to move plans for a Marine Conservation and Education Centre forward and build the centre now.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Marine Conservation Centre for Ireland petition to Fingal County Council was written by pauline Beades and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.