- Target:
- www.deviantart.com
- Region:
- Canada
To summarize our cause breifly:
People love Deviantart because of its free nature, and it gave us the right and confidence to show our work to the world and now, my right to view art as it is has been whisked away by the deviant devil. The overpowered DA is forcing us to back down because we're not 18.
Society already often frowns on you because of age, and the lack of respect is apalling. And now, the one place YOU THOUGHT THAT YOU COULD EXPRESS YOURSELF ARTISTICALLY WITHOUT RESTRAINTS HAS TAKEN AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO BE AND DEVELOP AS ARTIST?
Aren't you sick of always being shunted down? Ccome rally with us. Sign our petition! We can make DA a superb place again, we artists can be and feel and think how we want to no matter what age we are!
STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT AS AN ARTISTIC PERSON! we can do this, if we force oursleves into the swollen head of DA if we stand together we can achieve anything. All we are asking for is to have the mature setting made manual again, so parents can still protect their children, and those not mature enough can just deal with it their own way.
We, the undersigned, want to make DA a superb place again. We artists and friends can be and feel and think how we want to no matter what age we are!
All we are asking for is to have the mature setting made manual again, so parents can still protect their children, and those not mature enough can just deal with it their own way.
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The Mature Content Rulings on Deviantart petition to www.deviantart.com was written by Karlee Reid and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.