- Target:
- Microsoft
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.gopetition.com
Microsft has released 2 great racing games, the first one called Midtown Madness and it took a cult following and hundreds of fan site were set up and users were making loads of cars for it and alot of add-ons. Then Midtown Madness 2 came out with 2 new cities, San Fransisco and London and it had twice as many cars than the original. This sequel also took a cult following and put even more people in the MM community to make add-onns, cars, new cities, etc..., So lets make sure that microsoft does the right thing and releases MM3 for the PC and not for the X-Box.
Lets make sure that Microsoft does make Midtown Madness 3 for the PC and not for their gaming console the X-Box which is slated for a November 8, '01 release.
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The Midtown Madness 3 for PC petition to Microsoft was written by Zeb Sadiq and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.