- Target:
- Marketlinx
- Region:
- Website:
- www.russmacnab.com
MLXChange is a web based program that Realtors use to search listing, send emails to clients, create comparative market analysis and many other functions to do with real estate. The main problem with this is that it only works on Internet explorer. With the computing world evolving daily, having a major work function limited to one browser isn't feasible any more.
Realtors need portability and with the invention of the iPad, a browser platform that only works on PC's is keeping Realtors in the 90's.
Do you have a MAC but still hold on to that slow clunky PC just for MLXChange? Do you want Maketlinx the company who makes MLXChange to configure it to work on multiple browsers? Have an iPad and want to be able to get onto MLXChange without jumping through hoops?
Then this petition is here to help us get there.
Please sign this petition and forward to anyone you think feels the same way.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The MLXChange on a MAC/iPad and multiple browsers petition to Marketlinx was written by Russ Macnab and is in the category Business at GoPetition.