- Target:
- Speaker of the House / President of United States Senate
- Region:
- United States of America
When our government was set up we did not have the communications we have today. Back then it was necessary to have all Congressmen, Senators and President in Washington to be effective. Today, in 2010 we have all these modern communications tools; there is no need for everyone to be located in Washington DC. We can save millions by eliminating the office staff plus transportation of the speaker of the house every week going home.
There are three big benefits of this move:
FIRST are the costs of transporting the Congress back and forth to Washington DC.
SECOND, should be to exploit the need for the interaction between the elected official and the constituency. This would preclude the making of back room deals such as the cork husker deal, which was made to get Obama care passed.
THIRD, would be the loss of control of such groups of lobbyists, PACs and other special interest groups which get too much of our elected officials time.
The benefit to each district, more face time with your government officials, large staff in the home state, transportation, temporary housing, office space, limo services, and expenses associated with having the lobbyist, PAC and special interest groups coming to each home district to meet with the government. This would spur the economy in each district.
ADDITIONAL COSTS: there will be minimal costs in that each member all ready has one and two offices in their districts. The only costs would be to set up the communication equipment when they take office. This is being done now when a new official is elected.
We the undersigned want all Congressmen and Senators to remain in their home district. When we say remain, we are saying close their offices in Washington and move it into their home district. We are asking for an effective date of 1 October 2012. They can communicate with each other by way of SKYPE or another secured method when needed. The federal Judge, in their home state, will administer the oath of office on the required date.
We realize there will be an expense in setting up the communications , however we feel the savings over a period of two years will more than pay for this extra expense. The cost savings would be the need to maintain two staffs, one in Washington and then in their districts, transportation, housing, office space, parking, limo services, expenses associated with having the government on TDY to Washington for such long periods.
The benefit to each district, more face time with your government officials, large staff in the home state, transportation, temporary housing, office space, limo services, and expenses associated with having the lobbyist, PAC and special interest groups coming to each home district to meet with the government. Which will be a boost to the local economy.
We allow for 3 round trips on a commercial carrier for the Congressperson and Senator each year. One of which will be for the president’s joint session of congress on January 20 of each year. It is proposed they be paid Two days per diem at the same rate that a senior military enlisted person is paid. It is further proposed that each Congress person and Senator may take one staff member with him/her at government expense.
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The Move Elected Officials Home petition to Speaker of the House / President of United States Senate was written by Harry Laughman and is in the category Government at GoPetition.