#City & Town Planning
Greenville, SC - Planning Commission & City Council
United States of America

The purpose of this petition is to adequately represent the concerns of many neighbors in the area around Cleveland Park Stables, and their objections to the proposed 40 apartments on that site.

The site is 2.6 acres, but less than half of it is usable due to floodway issues. The proposed Z-43-2011 application would build a massive structure onto half of that parcel. The apartment building would be 150 feet wide, 40 ft tall, 65 feet deep and 160 feet long. The mass / scale are out of proportion for this site and it is an abuse of the multifamily zoning classification to overload 1.3 acres with 40 rental units. If the desired classification is RM-1.5, then only 19.5 units would be appropriate. RM-1 would allow 13 units. (Future land use in comprehensive plan calls for general residential.)

Residents have met with the developer and asked him to break up the oversized structure into multiple buildings (two or three) to alleviate the mass / scale problem, but the response was that there would not be enough units so he could not make enough money.

The proposed site of the building structure is fully in the flood plane. It is not in the best interest of prospective residents to rent an apartment which will frequently be inaccessible due to high water from the adjacent river.

Fire access is a concern which has not yet been addressed.

We are not opposed to change on that site, however we are opposed to this project because it is out of scale and proportion vs adjacent neighborhoods.

There are other concerns regarding parking, traffic impact, the developer's failed attempt to access thru city-owned property and apply for FEMA credit, risk to pedestrians and bikers (already an issue in a very congested space near the dog park), no turning lane into the proposed apartment space, and unappealing aesthetics of originally proposed design (open "X" boards at street level with dozens of cars lined up behind the wooden "X" facing Woodland Way).

The prospective developer has no experience in residential. His background is "big box" and has done projects such as Kohl's and Dick's Sporting Goods.


We urge all neighbors to please sign this petition and to attend the Planning Commission meeting on TH 2/9/12 at 4 pm in City Hall to voice your objection.

Thank you.

We, the undersigned, call on the Greenville, SC Planning Commission and City Council to reject application Z-43-2011, which indends to change the current R-6/R-9 zoning designation of the stables to RM-1.5.

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The Neighbors opposed to apartments at Cleveland Park Stables petition to Greenville, SC - Planning Commission & City Council was written by Mercedes Bartow and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.