- Target:
- Ning
- Region:
- Website:
- networkcreators.ning.com
The Ning company has made decisions recently that has alienated its Network Creators and put the hard work of its Network Creators in jeopardy.
Ning promised to give control and ownership of networks to Network Creators. If members wished to pay additional fees, that could remove all references to Ning.
To join our networks, members had to first join Ning, We accepted this; it had a similar feel to "Open Id". Ning promised us that they would never try to steal our members or try to behave as if they "owned " our networks.
Then followed a series of T.O.S. changes, closing their much-touted open API, and shutting off Network Creator access to their data, and many other ill-conceived changes.
Now Ning has decided to try and become Facebook by stealing the members that Network Creators worked hard to build. Their most recent changes would negate the hundreds, in some cases thousands of dollars that Network Creators have put into the networks.
In the process, Ning has exposed our members private information without their consent and knowledge. They conviently changed their Terms of Service before this change, but our members were not aware of this because we were not made aware.
Ning refuses to sell current network owners their member data so that they can move elsewhere. When Ning reneged on their promise to welcome adult networks and then booted adult networks, those network creators were given full access to their content. This proves that it can be done even though Ning currently claims that it can not. Ning also refuses to offer any alternatives for those unhappy with the changes other than to lose months of hard work.
To top it off, Ning has recently decided to charge astronomical support fees when they already offer little support. Support, by the way, also means listening to what your customers need.
To Ning, Ning Employees, and Ning financiers,
Please reconsider your recent actions, it is not too late to make changes that will make everyone happy and that will not result in your wasting all of your network creator's hard work over the past years.
This hard work lead to your success, it led to our success and we are happy for that. You have a great platform, but it would be better if you worked on fine tuning what you are and what you promised to give.
You do not listen to our suggestions, feedback, or complaints. Instead you respond with syrupy form letters that do not answer the issue or provide any real support.
We have been unanimous in the features that we ask for but you consistently say "if enough people ask, we will consider".
Well, consider this. We do not like your new changes and none of us our proud to be Ning network owners. Many of us are looking for other alternatives or considering cancelling premium services.
The new Ning.com negates the "remove Ning Links" premium service. Our members are invited at every visit to your page to create their own networks and exposes those of us that wish Ning to be an "invisible partner"
There are also a number of us contacting lawyers to see what our options are in this situation.
Many of us think that you offer a great platform and are saddened that it has had to come to this. Plese focus on listening to your Network Creators.
We understand that not all of us pay for premium service, but a nice amount of us do. Even free networks help bring in revenue for Ning and increase your company wealth. Without us, you would be nothing.
Let Facebook be Facebook, Ning was supposed to be something different and innovative.
Network Creators and those who think that Nings recent actions are uncouth
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The Ning, Please Listen To Your Network Creators petition to Ning was written by stop_big_brother_ning and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.