#Children's Rights
The USA Department of State

Brazilian president "The Chainsaw Man " is pushing his son to become ambassador in The USA. Nobody in the world and the Amazon Rainforest can not trust this family and those dirt polticians. Just now Brazilian president son Eduardo Bolsonaro is spreading fake news about: (Fake screenshot tweet sent by Eduardo Bolsonaro with the fake picture of Greta Thunberg). Those man should be banished from the power, they will corrupt whoever they can and will continue destroying the environment., water resources, wild life, Amazon Rainforest, etc.

Greta Thunberg is a child and the Brazilian president son is desrespcting her and will continue disrespecting everyone also elderly, youngsters, women, LGBTQIAP+, forests, wild animals, rivers, water, air, and will keep destroying the Amazon Rainforest, etc, specially if he becomes The USA Ambassador. Please sign the petition to prevent him to become an Embassador also helping us to impeach the Brazilian President.

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The No Brazilian president son as Ambassador in the USA petition to The USA Department of State was written by Henrique Lawrence and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.