United States of America

Critical Race Theory isn’t a way to unite people. It creates further division and forces Americans to choose one over another. This isn’t an American value. Justice is for all and we work together to make that so. We don’t lift up one over and against another! We all have been hurt in our country by our leaders and their policies. CRT isn’t justice!
Critical Race Theory will cause race wars and violence in our communities. All who aren’t of one race will have to choose one against another.
This isn’t good for Michigan nor for our USA. Say no to CRT in Michigan!

We, the undersigned, call on our Michigan State Educators, Administrators and Teachers Unions to say no to and vote no on any introduction of CRT in our Public School classrooms grades Head Start through High School.

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The No CRT in Michigan! petition to Michigan was written by Marguerite Bermann and is in the category Education at GoPetition.